Traveling Kelsey


Guyana: An Introduction South America is one of those continents that had never been on my radar until very recently. After living with a lovely Brazilian girl and meeting a number of her friends in Germany in 2012 during my study abroad, I became infinitely more curious about this land to the south. My curiosity, however, had blinders on—only acknowledging the larger, better known countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Peru, etc. Never… Read More

I had just completed about three blogs about all things office furniture and healthcare, when I found myself staring longingly at the laminated map my younger sister gave me for Christmas. Sometimes it’s rather difficult to find inspiration to blog– be it about office furniture or about travel, and although I have 4 drafts in my WordPress posts page, sometimes the words just don’t come and I need a new idea or… Read More

As of 2012, there were a total of 113 million passports in circulation in America—that is only 30 percent of the total population in US, meaning that one in three Americans actually have that globally coveted little blue book. Although the number of valid passports in circulation has been steadily increasing since 1989, the number—30 Percent–, in comparison to other developed, English speaking nations is actually incredibly low. Over 60% of Canadians… Read More