Traveling Kelsey

Bhutan: An Introduction I knew this week was going to be good the moment I came in to my office on Monday morning, spun around five times, and landed my little...

Turkmenistan: An Introduction I have always had a fascination for the “-stan” countries. Everyone always loves to talk about Russia, since the country as a whole resembles a day-time soap opera...

Guyana: An Introduction South America is one of those continents that had never been on my radar until very recently. After living with a lovely Brazilian girl and meeting a number...

Nauru: An Introduction On this snowy Tuesday in Philly, there couldn’t have been a more appropriate country chosen. Nauru, a part of  Micronesia located in the South Pacific seems to be...

I had just completed about three blogs about all things office furniture and healthcare, when I found myself staring longingly at the laminated map my younger sister gave me for Christmas....

On Airports I absolutely love airports. I think that they are the perfect microcosm, where you can observe the vast range of people and families on this earth. You see people...

Because I Can When I made the decision to abandon the rat-race back in October and pick up my life to move to the opposite side of the globe, I had...

I love America. It’s true! Yes, we can often be annoying, we’re impulsive, often huge hypocrites, blind to the rest of the world, and we tend to piss a lot of...

My Story I didn’t simply wake up one morning and decide I wanted to travel the world. You could probably say that the stars seemed to align during the years leading...

Two years ago, in March of 2012, I arrived in Hamburg with nothing but a suitcase, an address for my German dorm room, sporatic German and English correspondence with the student...