Traveling Kelsey


As we drew nearer and nearer to the Denver International Airport, I couldn’t help but look out the window at the browning Colorado landscape in quiet contemplation:  Did I make the right choice? Was I ready for this?  For one of the first times in the weeks leading up to today, panic had begun to set in; the same panic that every life changing decision should evoke. It was all to familiar:… Read More

Dear Philly, To the City of Brotherly Love, the birthplace of our modern day nation and the iconic Philly cheesesteak, to the home of the most loyal and ruthless sports fans in the nation and world-renowned symbols of liberty and freedom, to the flourishing neighborhoods of Fairmount, Northern Liberties, and South Philly, the ever-gentrifying ghettos of North and West Philly, and the beautifully charming Olde City, Society Hill and Rittenhouse, and to… Read More

Bhutan: An Introduction I knew this week was going to be good the moment I came in to my office on Monday morning, spun around five times, and landed my little passport on the country of Bhutan. This small, landlocked country in South Asia keeps popping up in my radar—in books, movies, conversations, online. I can’t seem to get away from it, and after researching the nation, I know why! I must… Read More

Turkmenistan: An Introduction I have always had a fascination for the “-stan” countries. Everyone always loves to talk about Russia, since the country as a whole resembles a day-time soap opera as to the level of petty political drama, but everyone seems to forget about these incredibly beautifully and culturally rich countries that were once a part of it all. These countries are now just trying to make it on their own… Read More

I couldn’t believe it when I went to complete my daily ritual of crossing off today’s date on my calendar in my cubicle and saw the number 100 staring back at me! I am officially 100 days away from July 12th, also known as the day that I will leave this country, and will embark on a very exciting, yet very long flight across the Pacific Ocean, through Tokyo and Singapore, and… Read More

Guyana: An Introduction South America is one of those continents that had never been on my radar until very recently. After living with a lovely Brazilian girl and meeting a number of her friends in Germany in 2012 during my study abroad, I became infinitely more curious about this land to the south. My curiosity, however, had blinders on—only acknowledging the larger, better known countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Peru, etc. Never… Read More

Because I Can When I made the decision to abandon the rat-race back in October and pick up my life to move to the opposite side of the globe, I had a vast array of responses to my announcement. Some people cheered me on, and congratulated me for making that decision. Some were envious– telling me that they wish that they had done the same, and that it was a great thing… Read More

At 22.5 years old, I know that the extent of my traveling has only just begun. So, for fun a few nights ago, I created a rough list as to the 30 places that I wanted to visit or things that I wanted to see and experience before I reach the golden age of 30. That gives me 7.5 years to complete a list that only scrapes the surface of places I… Read More

As of 2012, there were a total of 113 million passports in circulation in America—that is only 30 percent of the total population in US, meaning that one in three Americans actually have that globally coveted little blue book. Although the number of valid passports in circulation has been steadily increasing since 1989, the number—30 Percent–, in comparison to other developed, English speaking nations is actually incredibly low. Over 60% of Canadians… Read More

The hardest thing I have ever had to go through in all of my years of travel is readjusting to home life. I use the word “home” hesitantly, especially because the more I travel, the harder it is for me to comfortably define the word “home”. They always say that reverse culture shock, or the readjustment period required when returning home after a trip, is worse than the initial culture shock. I know this to… Read More