Traveling Kelsey

As we drew nearer and nearer to the Denver International Airport, I couldn’t help but look out the window at the browning Colorado landscape in quiet contemplation:  Did I make the...

I couldn’t believe it when I went to complete my daily ritual of crossing off today’s date on my calendar in my cubicle and saw the number 100 staring back at...

Because I Can When I made the decision to abandon the rat-race back in October and pick up my life to move to the opposite side of the globe, I had...

I could hear my heart in my chest pounding as I clicked the “Confirm” button on United’s website. I had done it– I had bought my one way ticket to Perth...

After discussing my post graduate plans with anyone and everyone who asks, a number of people have expressed interest in the Working Holiday visa, especially since something like this often goes...

The rat-race— a euphemism for the perpetual cycle that majority of people find themselves in following graduation: a lifestyle full of debt, halfway decent jobs that are nowhere near what you...